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Parent Meeting Minutes- 5/12/2022

Updated: Feb 29

OWNCS2 PTO General Meeting Minutes - May

Date, Time, and Location: Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 6:30PM Via Zoom

Meeting called to order by: President- Kathy Vergara at 6:38PM

Note Taker(s): Secretary- Esther Wallace

Timekeeper: President- Kathy Vergara

Attendees: President- Kathy Vergara, Vice President-, Vice President- Yaritza Cano,

Treasurer- Shaenne Toussaint-Islam, Secretary- Esther Wallace, Communications Officer-

Clorinda Rivera; Teacher Representatives: Ms. Valencia and Ms. Hynes. There were 23

attendees; a quorum was reached.


I. School Updates

a. New PTO Member

 Clorinda Rivera – will be filling the role as Communications Officer for the


b. Math Workshop

 Ms. Lucky will provide parents with the knowledge and tools to assist their

children with their math education at home and during the summer months.

This includes common core, base 10 model and the use of hands-on

manipulatives. Specific concepts that students will need to be proficient in by

the end of their grade.

 The math workshop for the lower grades (K-2) was held on 5/11 and 5/12

 Math workshops for upper grades (3-5) will be held on 5/31 and 6/1. Sessions

are held in person inside of the school so parents will need to show proof of

vaccination and wear masks in order to participate

 Workshop spots are limited to 12 parents per session and each session runs

about 30 minutes

 Reservations can be made on the PTO’s website

 Parents have inquired about having a virtual workshop with the math coach

for those parents who cannot make it in person. PTO will speak with Ms.

Lucky about possibly preparing a zoom workshop where she can present a

powerpoint presentation.

c. Mother’s Day

 Students completed flower pots this week and took them home

 PTO provided compostable flower pots, which were decorated with the art

teacher, and wild flower seeds, which were planted with the assistance of our

science teacher. A poem also accompanied the flower pots home

d. Teacher’s Week Recap

 Teacher’s received week long surprises as a joint collaboration between

OWN2 administration and the PTO

 Thank you to all parents who made it possible to provide our OWN2 staff with

a week’s worth of activities

 Pictures and videos of the week’s events are posted on Instagram and Class


 The Relaxation Room that was set up for teacher’s week will remain open for

the school staff to use until further notice

 Parents donated an amazing total of $980, all of which went towards the

teacher’s week activities. Thank you for all your support and donations

e. Read-a-thon

 The winning classes of March’s read-a-thon received a pizza party

 Gift cards will be given to the top readers and teacher of the winning class

f. International Day – June 8 th (during school hours)

 OWN2 will be having an International Day event headed by Mr. Thompson

 Booths will be set up to represent different countries around the world and

students will be able to visit the different booths throughout the day. Activities

for the students will be provided as well as a passport that will be stamped.

The event will conclude with a parade of the countries.

 The list of countries that will currently be represented are: Jamaica, Czech

Republic, Canada, Pakistan & India, Trinidad & Tobago, Italy, Colombia,

Russia, USA, Guyana, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Japan, Argentina,

Venezuela and Nigeria

 Parents who would like to volunteer an additional country booth (that is not

currently represented by the school) and can supply the booth with artifacts,

information and/or snacks related to that country, please email the PTO or

speak with Mr. Thompson

 For the international day event, parents can choose to dress their child up in

the native garb of the country of which their family identifies

 Parents who are unable to volunteer can also feel free to donate snacks or

artifacts to any of the represented countries that can be displayed at the

respective booth

 Thank you to all the parents who signed up to volunteer. We have reached

our max for the number of volunteers for the event. Parents will be spilt into

two shifts (8a-12, 12-3p). If you already received a confirmation email from

the PTO regarding volunteer status please email the PTO informing of which

shift you can attend

g. International Day Cookbook – Deadline 5/16/22

 PTO will be collecting recipes from our OWN2 families of their favorite dishes

that represent their family’s background. These recipes will be made into an

OWN2 Cookbook

 Please include pictures of the completed dish and/or pictures of their

child/family cooking and a small passage about what the dish means to your

child/family. There is no limit on the number of recipes you can submit

 Once completed, the cookbook will be a great keepsake for your child to have

memories of their family’s recipes as well as those of his friends and


 The completed cookbook will be sold during the International Day event as

well as online through Amazon. The link will be provided to all parents who

would like to purchase one themselves or those who would like to share with

friends and family.

 50% of proceeds from the cookbook will go towards the Kindergarten and 5 th

grade graduation funds

h. Graduation

 The school will have a 5 th grade class BBQ on 6/20/22 at 12 pm

 Kindergarten- school will have a diploma ceremony on 6/20 outside of the

school entrance where parents can witness their child receiving their diploma.

Each class will receive a specific time slot to avoid congestion. Decorations

outside of the school entrance will be donated by PTO so parents can take

pictures. Stepping up ceremony will be held virtually on 6/21/22 and

children/parents are invited to Chuck E Cheese after. Specific details are still

being ironed out with the school staff and parents will be informed shortly

i. NYC Kids RISE

 This is an account through NYC that sets aside money for your child’s college

and career training, regardless of U.S. immigration status

 NYC will give $100 to start and parents can continue to add money to the


 This college fund program is currently only available for Kindergarten aged

students and an email was sent out by the school to the parents of those


 An email was sent out by the school with further information and a short


 If you need your child’s OSIS# please contact Ms. Valencia

j. OWN2 Author visit

 Our very own teacher Ms. Henry has written an children’s book and will have

reading sessions with the students on 5/13/22

 The book is available for purchase for $14.95 or as an E-Book for $9.99

 Parents who wish to buy a book can send their child to school with exact


k. Summer School

 Rising Stars will have a summer program at the school 5 days/week from 9a-


 An email was sent to parents with a form to sign up

 Children will be picked on first come, first serve basis. Selected students will

receive an email from Rising Stars soon

l. Carnival Update

 Tentative date set for June 18th

 PTO re-submitted the park permit for the use of the field across the street

from the school with the needed corrections

 All arrangements for the carnival are in place

 Invitations will be sent out to parents once the date is confirmed

m. Field Day

 Field day will be held in the field across from the school on May 25 th

 The school will finish finalizing details this week

 There will most likely be a need for a few parent volunteers for field day. You

can contact the school or Mr. Callegati for details

n. Summer Reading

 In order to encourage your child to maintain good reading habits throughout

the summer you can look into programs like which

rewards children for reading with pizza prizes

 This website is a private company and not affiliated or connected with the


II. Reminders

a. Join Mr. Wilkins every Friday for Virtual Coffee and Conversation! Time slots are

available between 8am and 9am. Please call the main office to schedule or you can

find the link on the PTO’s website

b. Traffic and Congestion – Please remember to be courteous when picking up and

dropping off your child. Do not double and triple park in front of the school building as

this creates an unsafe environment for our students and families

c. Google Forms – Several google forms have been emailed out to parents. Please

complete and submit in a timely manner so we can ensure school events can run

smoothly. If you have not received these forms or need them sent again, please

email the PTO

d. School Calendar – Remember to continue checking the school website regularly for

any changes to the school calendar related to Half Days or Holidays


Next meeting is Thursday, June 9th at 6:30PM

Meeting adjourned at 7:47PM

Minutes approved by President, Kathy Vergara

PTO Email:

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